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Aperture 2.1 släppt!

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Finns i programuppdateraren.

Aperture 2.1 updates various features of the application and addresses issues related to performance and overall stability. The updates include the following:

Dodge & Burn Plug-in. A sample plug-in is pre-installed, taking advantage of the Edit API introduced in Aperture 2.0. The plug-in adds brush-based tools for Dodge (Lighten), Burn (Darken), Contrast, Saturation, Sharpen and Blur.
Customize Default Adjustment Set. You can now specify which adjustments appear by default in the Adjustments Inspector/HUD.
Updated Crop Tool. A simplified UI makes it easier to preserve an image's original aspect ratio, match the aspect ratio of your display, or use one of the standard preset aspect ratios.
Sorting in All Projects View. A contextual menu allows you to sort the All Projects view in ascending or descending date order.
Show on Map. A contextual menu allows you to choose the Show on Map by right-clicking (or Control-clicking) on an image that contains GPS data.
Access to Toolbar on Second Display. When using multiple displays in Full Screen mode, the Full Screen toolbar is now accessible on a second display.
"Snapshots" book theme. This additional theme includes new "photo border" frames in which to place images.
Flip Images. You can now flip images horizontally or vertically within Aperture.
Vignette. The range of gamma and exposure settings available has been expanded.
Save Books as JPEG or TIFF images. Automator actions have been added to Save as PDF pop-up menu in the Print Book window to automatically generate JPEG or TIFF images from book pages.
Update EXIF from Master. This command allows Aperture to reread EXIF from a master images after they have been imported.
Extended AppleScript support. The "Reveal" verb in the AppleScript dictionary has been extended to include containers such as projects and albums.
The update includes fixes that impact the a number of areas, including:

Image import
Image migration
Erasing memory cards after import
Quick Preview
Batch Change
All Projects view
Smart Albums
Adjustments inspector
White Balance
Lift & Stamp
Handling of externally edited images
Reconnecting referenced files
Keyboard customization
Deleting images
Metadata presets
Book themes
Borderless printing
Web Page/Web Journal export
Exporting versions
Export Plug-in support
AppleScript support
For further information about this update, see Late-Breaking News About Aperture 2, available at

The Aperture 2.1 Update is recommended for all Aperture 2 users.


Sitter och lattjar lite med den nu. Jag gjorde ett litet fotojobb i helgen och var tvungen installera Photoshop bara för att fixa ett par grejer (spegla och göra lokala justeringar av mättnad/kontrast). Nu täcker Aperture även det.

Demo-pluginen Dodge & Burn funkar fint. Nu ser jag fram emot många nya pluggar som använder sig av Edit-API:t. Nu lyfter nog Aperture rejält tror jag!

Jag tror många dröm om att köra Noise Ninja i Aperture, kul att Apple samarbetar med dom för att få till en plugin snabbt. (Finns att läsa i pressmeddelandet.)

Hm, lustigt att det tog en 2.1 när Macworld (amerikanska) skrev om plug-in-stödet redan i samband med 2.0.

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2008-03-28 19:15

Känns som en riktigt viktig uppdatering det här. Aperture-användare blir mindre och mindre beroende av Photoshop för varje släpp. Undrar var Apple har mer i mjukvarulådan för framtiden..

  • Avstängd
  • Stockholm
  • 2008-03-28 19:25

Aperture börjar verkligen bli ett sanslöst bra program. Framtiden ser mycket ljus ut. Pluginteknologin är en sensation. Klockrent. Apple när dom är som bäst.

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2008-03-28 19:52

Ja, först iPhone SDK som levererade mer än någon hoppats på. Sedan det här så snabbt efter 2.0. Keep up the good work Apple!

Intressant, här får man veta mycket om hur plugin-arkitekturen fungerar:

The potential power and flexibility of Aperture's image editing plug-in platform comes at a price. The price is that image editing plug-ins exist separate from Aperture's own non-destructive editing tools.

Aperture's native image adjustments operate this way: when you select a RAW file and apply adjustments to it - Exposure, White Balance and so on - those adjustments live as only metadata instructions until it's time to do a conversion of the RAW data into a new, finished file. This conversion, to a TIFF or PSD, takes place when you choose to edit the file with an external application such as Photoshop, for example. In this way, any of Aperture's own adjustments that are applied to a RAW file can be readjusted or removed at any time from that RAW file.


Image editing plug-ins, however, will not exist as reversible, non-destructive adjustment tools. If you select a RAW file in Aperture, then choose an image editing plug-in such as Viveza or Noise Ninja or most of the other plug-ins that are likely to emerge, Aperture will decode the RAW data and create a new, finished TIFF or PSD version and then pass that to the plug-in.

When you're done in the plug-in and you apply the adjustments you've made, those adjustments are applied destructively as the plug-in window closes - the pixels in the photo are changed.

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