Tydligen stödjer inte "connect to server" att man ändrar portar. Dvs om man skriver :9999 så händer ingenting utöver det vanliga - den väljer inte port 9999.
Hittade dock detta - någon som förstår exakt vad den gör?
There is a work-round for this, you can add an extra IP address to the loop-back device and then forward AFP to that manually.
In terminal, type:
sudo ifconfig lo0 add
sudo ssh username@gateway -L127.0.10.10:548:remotehost:548
(you need to be super user to forward ports < 1024 , also to run ifconfig)
then in the finder, connect to afp://
this lets me contact an AFP server behind a firewall that only allows through SSH.
You can also SSH directly into a client machine and forward AFP over that link in the same way.
sudo ssh username@clientmachine -L127.0.10.10:548:localhost:548
though this lacks the Apple ‘it just works’ elegance…