• Medlem
  • International user
  • 2008-08-14 23:50

Lite kul att läsa Wired's artikel (The Untold Story: How the iPhone Blew Up the Wireless Industry) så här i retrospekt & med tanke på 3G-lanseringen. Som nån skrev i MacRumors forum: Enda skillnaden är att Apple i år bestämde sig för att sälja den..... ;D


It was a late morning in the fall of 2006. Almost a year earlier, Steve Jobs had tasked about 200 of Apple's top engineers with creating the iPhone. Yet here, in Apple's boardroom, it was clear that the prototype was still a disaster. It wasn't just buggy, it flat-out didn't work. The phone dropped calls constantly, the battery stopped charging before it was full, data and applications routinely became corrupted and unusable. The list of problems seemed endless. At the end of the demo, Jobs fixed the dozen or so people in the room with a level stare and said, "We don't have a product yet."