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Många vet inte vad dom ska välja för dator

Tråden skapades och har fått 1 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Jag tror att jag valt rätt forum fördetta tips... annar är det OK om en admin flyttar den. En länk till en snart 1,5 år gammal sida som tar upp VARFÖR vi gör våra val då det gäller hur de olika datorplattformarna återger typsnitt på skärmen, se bilden:

(Note: To see the following illustration correctly, you need to have an LCD monitor with pixels arranged in R,G,B order, like mine. Otherwise it's going to look different and wrong.)


Font smoothing, anti-aliasing, and sub-pixel rendering - Joel on Software

Utdrag ur sidans artikel:

Now, on to the question of what people prefer. Jeff Atwood's post from yesterday comparing the two font technologies side-by-side generated rather predictable heat: Apple users liked Apple's system, while Windows users liked Microsoft's system. This is not just standard fanboyism; it reflects the fact that when you ask people to choose a style or design that they prefer, unless they are trained, they will generally choose the one that looks most familiar. In most matters of taste, when you do preference surveys, you'll find that most people don't really know what to choose, and will opt for the one that seems most familiar. This goes for anything from silverware (people pick out the patterns that match the silverware they had growing up) to typefaces to graphic design: unless people are trained to know what to look for, they're going to pick the one that is most familiar.

Which is why Apple engineers probably feel like they're doing a huge service to the Windows community, bringing their "superior" font rendering technology to the heathens, and it explains why Windows users are generally going to think that Safari's font rendering is blurry and strange and they don't know why, they just don't like it. Actually they're thinking... "Whoa! That's different. I don't like different. Why don't I like these fonts? Oh, when I look closer, they look blurry. That must be why."

Fått det förklarat så här.

Windows är mera troget till skärmen när det kommer till att avbilda typsnittet, på bekostnad av "trogenheten" mot att avbilda typsnittet.

Mac är mera troget typsnittet, även om det ibland påverkar det som syns på skärmen.

Två olika "skolor". Windowsfolket är vant vid sitt och upplever macen som blurrig, vi macare upplever Windows som "dator-aktigt" oskönt.

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