Liket rör sig!
Det som alla trodde var dött, dvs MAMP, kom just ut i en ny version, MAMP 1.8.
Jag tror man kan skönja en förklaring ur det här stycket:
Though, until I get to the new features and improvements, I'd like to announce that the complete development of MAMP and MAMP PRO has been taken over by appsolute GmbH since August 2009. The best thing is that all developers who where involved with these applications in the past are again part of the MAMP team. To increase the availability of the website and the bug tracker, we've already moved them to new and more powerful servers.
Det har alltså skett en del bakom kulisserna och nu är det nytt folk (eller snarare nygammalt verkar det som) som sköter om MAMP. Och avsaknaden av uppdateringar och kommunikation blir det ändring på:
Finally we want to promise that there will never pass a whole year again without any bug-fix updates for MAMP and MAMP PRO. In the future we will observe a much tighter time frame and significantly shorten our release cycles.