Mac.Ars är den utmärkta Ars Technicas mac-kolumn som uppdateras veckovis. Den här veckan är det Apples identitet som diskuteras, är Apple ett hårdvaruföretag eller ett high-end konsumenteletronikföretag? Vidare diskuteras även OS 9 och dess framtid mm. Alltid välskrivet och läsvärt för macintresserade:
Ars Technicas Hannibal skriver också lite om mac i ett nyhetsinlägg:
Där utlovas bland annat ett kommande test av G5 av John Siracusa, som många känner till vid det här laget (han har skrivit ett gäng väldigt djuplodande tekniska (och delvis kritiska) artiklar om OS X). Hannibal kommenterar också all kritik om Apples utnämning av G5 som världens snabbaste dator:
You know, I get email fairly frequently from people who're bent out of shape about Apple's claims that the G5 is "the world's fastest personal computer" and want me to somehow set the record straight. I never reply to these emails, but I'll go ahead and say what I think. Basically, I have three things to say about this. First, hyperbolic claims about a product are such a prominent and essential feature of practically all modern marketing campaigns that people who get upset when Apple does this are being ridiculously selective in what they chose to cry "foul" over. Are Mentos really "the freshmaker"? Is Coke truly "the real thing"? Do all champions really eat Wheaties for breakfast? (How about just most champions? Or even a few really prominent champions? What percentage of champions, a category that could be defined any number of ways, would have to eat Wheaties for breakfast in order for Wheaties to have a rightful claim to be "the breakfast of champions"?) But hey, if Apple's marketing upsets you that badly, then maybe you should look into filing a class action lawsuit.
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