Ingen nyhet direkt, men snubblade av en händelse över en grej i spelet Destiny 2 igår. Många vapen och annan utrustning har en kort berättelse, som ofta med glimten i ögat talar om lite bakgrund. För vapnet "Hard Light" handlar det om en rätt tydlig blinkning mot Apple, närmare bestämt Steve Jobs presentation av iPhone.


Today, we're introducing three revolutionary products.

The first is a quick-config interface for outgoing damage. The second is a ricochet projectile that bounces off any surface. And the third an infinite range zero drop-off projection weapon platform.

So! Three new products in the Omolon portfolio. But, unlike other product launches, we won't be staggering the releases.

We will be releasing them all at once. In a single device. In extremely limited quantities.

We call it Hard Light.

But there is one more thing.

Senast redigerat 2017-11-18 12:08