quote:Skapades ursprungligen av: Göran Bolinder:
Ett problem som uppstod när jag installerade iTunes 3 är att jag inte kommer åt de spellistor jag hade i iTunes 2 under MacOS 9.
Eftersom ingen annan kunde hjälpa mig fick jag lösa mitt problem själv...
Följande kloka inlägg hittade jag på www.macintouch.com:
I had a lot of trouble getting my old iTunes 2 library to be used by iTunes 3 when I upgraded today. After a lot of trial and error, never getting my old songs and playlists to appear in iTunes 3, I found the following procedure worked:
1. Let iTunes 3 create the new folder it wants to as /Users/[you]/Music/iTunes/. It does this when you start it the first time.
2. Quite iTunes 3.
3. Go into /Users/[you]/Library/Preferences/, and trash the three iTunes-related .plist files. Their absence will make iTunes start from scratch as to where it looks for things.
4. Copy your iTunes 2 iTunes Music Library file into /Users/[you]/Music/iTunes/. No need to rename it--in fact, don´t.
5. Launch iTunes 3 again.
At this point, iTunes 3 saw and recognized the library as the one I wanted to use and converted it to the new format, writing out the resulting converted library as "iTunes 3 Music Library" without deleting the original. Even though my MP3 files are off on a FireWire volume, it found and played them just fine.
-- Dan Rabin
Tyvärr bestämde jag mig sedan för att bygga om mitt musikbibliotek för att se till så att alla filer var med och då åkte spellistorna all världens väg igen! Det var dock helt mitt eget fel och en helt annan historia...