Hittade följande på Macnn som låter illavarslande och vill höra med er andra om sätt att kringå att GarageBand kräver DVD-brännaren. ( tror att MaccNN med DVD avser Superdrive ). OM detta stämmer så suger det rejält. Tror ni att man kan installera programmet om man installerar det via en mac med DVD-brännare och att den nya Powerbook (Combo ) ansluts via Targetmode ( ja att Powerbooken får vara som extern hårdisk ). Jag vill kunna använda Garageband men blir lite oroad av MacNNS´s rapport.
A MacNN reader discovered that GarageBand (part of iLife '04 released today) cannot be installed without a DVD Drive. After speaking with a few Apple representatives the reader found that not only did the reps not know about the system requirements but had the same problems on their own machines. A closer look at the GarageBand system requirements reveals that having a DVD drive is indeed a requirement to install the popular audio program. Another reader provides a workaround for installing iLife on Mac OS X Server.
The full email detailing the disappointing event is below:
"I just received my copy of iLife '04 and it does not support garage band software without a DVD drive. There is one CD in the box with iTunes, iPhoto, and iMovie... the other disc is a DVD which includes all 5 products. I called Apple tech support and the person i spoke with had no idea that this was the case and said that he himself had a copy of iLife and all the garage band keyboard and software accessories waiting for him at home and that he did not have a DVD drive himself. However after going to the Apple page he noticed a seemingly new requirement that Garage Band installation requires a DVD drive. I then called the Apple store to see about a refund and that person ALSO had no idea about the DVD requirement... to end the story, he did give me $25 off... but this is a warning to anyone who really wanted garage band. (lukily the key product for me was iPhoto... but garage band would have been very nice) - Scott"
[Greg] "Well I got my copy of iLife today...dropped it in my G5 and was not able to install because iLife will not run on OS X Server, according to the error message anyway. Well, I am not sure what else will break, but if you copy the contents of the DVD to your drive and edit the Packages/iLife.pkg/Contents/Resources/InstalCheck and remove: # If the running Mac OS X Server, error out. if( -f $SERVER_VERS) { $IFERR_RESULT = $kIFERR_SERVER_ERROR; last DO_CHECKS; } It will install..."