Okej då har jag kanske en lösning åt dig. Jag har precis varit på Lacie och kollat runt lite och hittat följande;
Is my FireWire hard drive compatible with OS X?
LaCie FireWire 400 and 800 hard drives are compatible with Mac OS 9 and OS X, including the latest released versions, 9.2.2 and 10.3.2.
Certain LaCie FireWire 800 drives manufactured before October 1, 2003 may require a firmware update to prevent data loss when using OS X v10.3 (Panther). Please see this note:
http://www.lacie.com/news/news.htm?id=10059 , to determine if your drive may require an update.
FireWire 400 drives do not require a firmware update. There are no known issues between OS 9, OS X, and LaCie FireWire 400 drives.
The LaCie Update Tool 1.1.1 has been made available to assist users in checking their drives, and to make sure the drive firmware is up-to-date.
Important: Updating drive firmware is a critical task that should be done with attention to the included instructions. While LaCie has taken precautions to minimize and prevent data loss, be sure to have a backup copy of any important files or data before attempting to update firmware. Normally, firmware updating will not alter any data on the drive. If there are other unanticipated issues with your system, data loss is possible during the update process. Please proceed with caution.
Kolla att du har rätt firmvare om du inte har det så lär du få uppgradera, var försiktig om du skall göra det!