Och där fanns också lösningen på mitt problem:
Toast Titanium 5.0.1 makes it possible to burn CDs with Apple’s iTunes and Disc Burner using the Toast system extensions. This version includes Toast extensions which are compatible with iTunes and Disc Burner. The Toast Titanium 5.0.1 Installer moves two iTunes/Disc Burner extensions, “USB Authoring Support” and “FireWire Authoring Support”, into the “Extensions (Disabled)” folder. All other iTunes and Disc Burner extensions including “Authoring Support” are left untouched and should remain in the Extensions folder. After restart, Toast will be able to burn CDs and so will iTunes and Disc Burner, which now use the Toast extensions. This allows iTunes and Disc Burner to access and burn CDs on certain CD recorders which were not supported by the Apple extensions. Mac OS 9.1 is required for this additional iTunes and Disc Burner functionality.
Jag behövde alltså bara flytta filerna “USB Authoring Support” and “FireWire Authoring Support” (som av någon outgrundlig anledning låg i mappen Tillägg) till Tillägg (avstängda) i Systemmappen så fungerade allt som det skulle igen.