Hallå tjenna...
Har ett litet problem med att allt i menyn bredvid klockan försvunnit, ibland blinkar dom till o försvinner igen.
Anledningen till detta är troligtvis at jag provade detta:
After reading the Previous Edit to add two clocks to the menu bar, Caleb Hutchins discovered there´s an easier way under MacOS X 10.2...
* Open /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras
* In your Home /Library directory, make a new folder named "CoreServices". Inside that new folder, make a new folder named "Menu Extras".
* Option-drag the Clock.menu file from the Menu Extras folder in your System, to the new Menu Extras folder that you just created.
* Select the new copy of Clock.menu, and change it´s name to Clock2.menu (or whatever, as long as the name is changed).
* Drag Clock2.menu up to the menu bar. A second clock should appear, which can be changed to analog or digital.
* That´s it! Much easier than your current instructions, and no need for extra software or booting into MacOS 9!
Hur gör man för att fixa detta? Har tagit bort den extra clock2.menu och kört fsck -y, inget hjälper...
Nån som vet?