Det är 10.3 som inte går att installera på Mac utan USB (xpostfacto kan fixa)
Men 10.1 och 10.2 går utmärkt.
Det kan vara din CD-ROM spelaren som har svårighet att läsa.
Blåst bort damm inne i spelaren.
Ja Visst jag hade förträngt det men xpostfacto har många andra bra tips och knep.
There is an 8 GB limit that applies when installing Mac OS X on an ATA drive on an "Old World" machine. The issue is that the firmware drivers for the built-in ATA bus on Old World machines will not access past the 8 GB mark. This means that Mac OS X must be installed on the first partition, and that partition must be less than 8 GB in size. The Mac OS X Installer knows about this, and will refuse to install if it detects the problem. Unfortunately, the Mac OS X Installer also refuses to install on ATA drives connected to PCI cards on Old World machines, even though that would actually work. Complicating this further is that some ATA cards "pretend" to be SCSI cards in Mac OS X, while others do not. I have a few ideas about how to work around some of these issues, but have not implemented that yet