Vänta..."riktigt editor" och "visual studio" i samma mening.... *duckar*
Nu är jag ingen programmerare, men är inte Visual Studio ytterst bra faktiskt?
För att citera Ben Goodger (en av huvudprogrammerarna bakom Firefox, anställd på Google, med andra ord både en väldigt duktig programmare och knappast ett Microsoftfan (snarare ett av deras största hot)) när han efterlyser en open source-debugger som är lika bra som Visual Studio:
I mean come on. There are sixteen thousand email clients, twenty-four thousand clocks, every man and his dog as a half-assed window manager, but why has no one sought to take on the King of Visual Debuggers - Visual C++/Studio?
So why is it so hard for open source developers to create something as good? XCode is a nice looking graphical front end in a lot of ways, but it still relies on gdb, it still has far too many bugs, and is still way too slow. I expect to be able to hold down F10 and have line-by-line execution proceed at the same speed. With XCode, I fancy I can hear the program counter struggling to increment.
Come on folk, respect Microsoft for the good software they've created, use it as a benchmark in the cases that it really is. That's what we've tried to do with Firefox - if more projects did the same I think the Linux Desktop would be in a much happier place.