Om man tittar på sista styckena i artikeln (min markering):
Apple could use the chips to produce a multimedia iPod that is also a gaming platform, 8 megapixel digital camera, digital video recorder, and cell phone (with Bluetooth and wireless Ethernet). But that is unlikely because of the interface complexity of a multi-function digital device.
Instead, Apple could use Alphamosaic chips as the common core of a family of iPod devices that could include camera, gaming and wireless connectivity products/features.
This would provide a common development platform for applications that run across the family of Alphamosaic-based iPods.
Ska man tolka det som att de tror Apple gör ett gäng olika iPod med olika syften eller en iPod som kan ansluta extra tillbehör (som kamera t.ex.)? Hursomhelst låter det inte som en iPodtelefon i deras spekulationer...