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SecurityFocus hyllar MacOS X

Tråden skapades och har fått 1 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

En av krönikörerna på SecurityFocus har lite funderingar kring varför det finns fler virus till Windows än till Mac OS. Kanske inte några revolutionerande slutsatser, men ändå en trevlig krönika som skapar en positiv känsla så här strax innan fika...

Han slutar sin sin krönika på följande sätt:


I held off writing this column for the better part of a year, because many SecurityFocus readers have the intellect, talent and ability to write a virus that could be quite nasty on OS X. There's the general notion that (shh!), any added exposure to the platform might bring it out of the limelight. But if a Windows programmer or security researcher can try a new operating system and enjoy it just enough to not want to destroy it, then there's hope for us all.

I should have also prefaced this column with the disclaimer that most SecurityFocus staff use OS X in some way or another, if not at work then at home, so we're somewhat biased. After covering multi-platform security news all day long, from WiFi penetration testing to intrusion detection and honeypots, at the end of the day it's nice to use a system that's not on everyone's radar for a change. Let's keep it that way.

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Intressant artikel, välförtjänt beröm. Själv visste jag knappt vad OsX var för nåt bara för lite mer än ett år sen, förutom vaga insikter om att Apple hade ett Unix-baserat system.

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