Widget, The World Watcher - en mjukvara som förhindrar auto-installationen dök upp idag på VT.
Tillägg (kommentar från VT-sidan):
As a developer of widgets and other software, I acutely understand the dangers of errant software. In order for a widget to be errant, it must be able to execute undesirable code. In order to run such code, specific options must be specified to be turned on. Options such as: Allow Command line, Allow external network connection, Allow Plug-ins for widgets, etc. This is all documented in the Dashboard developer section at http://developer.apple.com.
The problem I have with this widget is that if any of these options are turned on, Dashboard will ask you if you want to run/install the plug-in. This would inform you of possible errent widgets.
The other thing is that this seems like it should be a System preference instead of a widget. A widget watching other widgets not only seems like a marketing companies dream, but is just too ironic. You need to have this widget open in the first place! You don't even show the widget nor tell anything about the size. Seems frivolous.