Pengarna tillbaka!
Det tog lite tid och ett par mail. Först kom ett standardsvar (efter två veckor) med "se till att du har senaste versionen av iTunes", "Check for purchased music" osv. Jag svarade:
"I've followed your instructions to look for purchased content. All music from the purchased album is there, its only the digital booklet that is missing.
I did som research and found that apparently the booklet was only ment to be available from the US iTMS, not the Swedish. I made my purchase from the Swedish store and at that time, it was clearly stated that a digital booklet was included. Two days later, you removed that information.
That is, at the time of my purchase you stated that the booklet was included which it was not. I payed for a described product that I did not receive. What will you do about that?"
Efter fem dagar kom svaret:
"Thank you for purchasing music from the iTunes Music Store.
We're sorry for the delay.
We're sorry the album you purchased didn't meet the standard of quality you have come to expect from the iTunes Music Store. We take the quality of our products very seriously and we will be investigating the issue you reported in depth.
We have taken the liberty of issuing a refund for your purchase. The credit should be posted within 3-5 business days.
Please do not repurchase this title in the next two weeks. This will give us time to resolve the issue with the title or remove it if we need to.
We hope that you continue to enjoy purchasing music from the iTunes Music Store."
Och pengarna på kontot två dagar senare. Än så länge kan jag spela skivan, men återstår att se om de även drar in licensen.