Det beror på vilken codec filmspåret i AVI filen är kodad med.
AVI är en hållare (ett filformat) som kan ha film och ljudspår.
Quicktime spelar upp AVI filer. Men du måste ändå ha rätt codec. Quicktime stöder standard codcesen. Men som sagt ej DivX os.v
Oftast när du stöter på AVI filer på nätet är dom kodade med DivX codecen.
Som du kan ladda ner på
Eller 3ivx codcen som klarar DivX väldigt bra.
Annars? Ja du, svårt att säga.
Jag publicerar en guide från "deepniner" som är en kompis.. Tyvärr på engelska.. Men innehåller väldigt bra saker ang MPEG1 kodning.
MPEG-1 video on Macintosh
1. Encoding MPEG-1 video
2. Making MPEG´s ToastReady
3. Managing bad MPEG-files
4. Burning VideoCD´s
5. Tools you need
6. Links
7. Disclaimer
1. Encoding MPEG-1 video
I have probably tried every software MPEG-1 encoder available for Macintosh! Hardware encoders for Macintosh are rare and expensive, so we´ll have to stick to software encoding. Encoding MPEG-1 video is a time consuming task! A full movie (appr. 2 hours) will take one or more days to encode on an average Mac. High-end computers, like a fast G4, can do the job in a couple of hours.
I will make a brief listing on the various encoders:
Cleaner 5 - MPEG-1 export:
+ Options for cropping and adjusting brightness/luminance, noise reduction filters etc
+ Good quality
+ Batch encoding options
- Extremely slow
- Doesn´t always create 100% VCD-compliant MPEG-1 movies
- No background encoding
- Very expensive
Toast VideoCD Export:
+ Free with Toast Titanium
+ Easy to use
+ Easy options for cropping
- However, all of the cropping alternatives will distort the scaling of the movie!
- The MPEG-files seems to suffer from video buffer underflow, making the movie stutter on several DVD-players.
- No batch encoding
- Very bad quality
- Locks up the computer while encoding
VideoCD Maker Personal:
+ Creates VCD-compliant MPEG-1 movies
+ Good quality in low-motion scenes
+ A number of useful tools included (see section 5)
- Bad quality in high-motion scens
- Locks up the computer while encoding
- No options for cropping the source video
- No batch encoding
- Expensive
Digigami MegaPEG:
+ All-in-one package
+ Many encoding options
+ Batch encoding options
- Bad user interface
- Average quality
- Long encoding time
- Expensive
Heuris MPEG Power Professional:
+ All-in-one package
+ Many encoding options
+ Batch encoding options
+ Produces VERY good quality (the best I´ve seen!)
- Bad user interface
- Extremely long encoding time!
- Expensive
Movie2MPEG (beta releases):
+ Free
- Unstable, buggy, unreliable
- Average quality
- Long encoding time!
- Locks up the computer while encoding
- No batch encoding
Astarte M.Pack 3.x:
+ Very fast encoding
+ Good cropping options
+ Nice user interface
+ Encodes in the background
+ Creates VCD-compliant MPEG-1 movies
- Bad quality in high-motion scenes
Astarte M.Pack 2.x:
+ Good cropping options
+ Nice user interface
+ Encodes in the background
+ Very good quality, even in high-motion scenes
+ Creates VCD-compliant MPEG-1 movies
+ Acceptable ecoding time (slightly slower than 3.x)
* M.Pack 2.x and 3.x have different encoding engines.
Well, these are the encoders! Please let me know if I have missed anyone.
My recommended choice is M.Pack 2.x - it produces very good quality with an acceptable encoding time. Unfortunately, Astarte has discontinued this great application (blame Apple!) but if you search the net you should probably find it somewhere. If you have a lot of time available and don´t mind to lock up your computer for days during encoding, the choice is Heuris MPEG Power Professional which produces superb video quality.
2. Making MPEG´s ToastReady
This issue must be one of the most confusing things for newbies in the world of MPEG! I have read many tips from ´experts´ on how to make your MPEG´s ToastReady, but most of them are completely wrong! First off, you should NOT re-encode your MPEG-movie! Not only does it take a lot of time, but the quality will be awful!
I know recent versions of VCD Gear claim to be able to make files ToastReady, but so far this function is not very reliable. Even the new Toast Titanium claims to able to burn MPEG´s that ain´t ToastReady, but it seldom works!
This is how you do it (and it´s very easy):
- Split (demultiplex) the MPEG-file with a demuxer application (see section 5 for good demuxers)
- Now, change the creator/filetype of the MPEG Audio file (.mpa) file to:
Type: MPGA
Creator: Mpa2
- Change the creator/filetype of the MPEG Video file (.mpv) file to:
Type: MPGV
Creator: Mpa2
- Multiplex them together again using M.Pack 2.x or 3.x WITH THE ToastReady-option SELECTED
- Done! The file is ready to be burned as a VideoCD using Toast...
To change the creator/filetype you could use ResEdit or preferably FileApp by yours truly!
But, what if the file can´t be demuxed because of errors? The solution is near...
3. Managing bad MPEG-files
Sometimes you will encounter MPEG-files which have become corrupted in some way, or simply is badly encoded, resulting in muxing/demuxing problems.
The first thing you should try is to re-encode the audio part. You must demux the MPEG-movie and then convert the audio part (.mpa) to AIFF or WAV (16-bits 44kHz) using SoundApp or similar (see section 5 for tips). Then encode the audio only using M.Pack or some other application that encode MPEG-1 Layer II audio. Do NOT use iTunes or similar that creates layer III (MP3) audiofiles! See Section 5 for tips on audio encoders. Make sure you encode the audio to 224 kBit/s stereo.
With the new re-encoded audio part try muxing it with the video part again.
No luck? Well, then we´ll have go to extreme measures...
One option is to do The Forbidden: re-encode the video part! You WILL LOOSE quality, but if the option is no video at all...
´Hey, how come re-encoding the audio is ok, when re-encoding the video is such a crime?´ you might ask. Well, re-encoded audio will ALSO suffer from generation losses, but not as noticable as re-encoded video.
Another option is to use a PC (or VPC) and a software called iFilmEdit. This piece of software is an excellent MPEG Editor and the only thing in the world that would make me buy a PC! Thanks to VPC however, I don´t have to!
Sometimes you simply must accept the fact that the file is corrupted in an unrecoverable way. Throw it away and do something funnier...
4. Burning VideoCD´s
This is the easiest part! If you´ve done your preparatory work correctly (just like repapering walls or painting your house) it´s all downhill from here! Yes, there are other CD-R burning software out there that can do this (VideoCD Maker, NeroMax, Discribe etc) but none of them can compare to the easyness and slick performance of Toast Titanium. It´s simply the best CD-R software for your Mac. Period.
Now, select the VideoCD-option in Toast, drop your ToastReady MPEG-file(s) on the window and burn your VideoCD... It´s done! You have made a VideoCD, playable on a large number of platforms and devices (PC, Unix, Mac, DVD-, VCD- and CDi-players etc)
So why are you still reading this? Oh yeah, one section left...
5. Tools you need
Besides a good MPEG-encoder you´ll need a bunch of other useful tools. These are some examples of tools that will make your life easier (well, the MPEG-encoding part of it anyway!)
For splitting (demuxing) and joining (muxing) files:
- MPEG Splitter (demuxing)
The original! Part of the Sparkle package from the early days. This piece of software was discontinued a long time ago but it still floats around in the vast space of the internet. Search and ye shall find. I have been using this one a long time. Ugly but functional.
- VideoCD Maker Personal (demuxing/muxing)
Forget the video encoder, but there are lots of other goodies in this package. The demuxer/muxer in this package is fast, but very picky. It will probably reject some of your files. You can multiplex files with it to, but they will not be ToastReady so don´t bother...
- bbDEMUX (demuxing)
A new demuxer that improves with each new release. I´m keeping my eyes closely on this fellow, and sometimes I even use it.
- Astarte M.Pack 2.x/3.x (muxing)
Well, this one you´ll already have if you´re following my recommendations. Will multiplex your files to ToastReady MPEG´s. It´s picky about the filetype/creator of your files, so make sure you fix this first (see section 2).
For audio encoding:
Sometimes you´ll need to re-encode the audio part (as described in section 3). For this purpose you´ll need a fast and reliable MPEG-1 layer II encoder.
- Astarte M.Pack 2.x/3.x (audio encoding)
Not very fast, but produces good quality files. Easy to use. Batch processing, too.
- VideoCD Maker Personal (audio encoding)
The audio encoder provided in this package is awesome! Blazing fast with good quality. Make sure you feed it with WAV-format audio files to avoid unnecessary processing time.
For converting MPEG audio to AIFF or WAV uncompressed audio:
- SoundApp (audio conversion)
- MPecker Drop Decoder (audio conversion)
6. Links
Video encoders:
- Cleaner 5
- Toast Titanium
- VideoCD Maker Personal (european version discontinued)
- Digigami MegaPEG
- Heuris MPEG Power Professional
- Movie2MPEG
- Astarte M.Pack
(discontinued product - search the web!)
Audio encoders:
- SoundApp
- MPecker Drop Decoder
(discontinued product - search the web!)
- MPEG Splitter (part of the Sparkle package)
(discontinued product - search the web!)
- FileApp
- VCD Gear
7. Disclaimer
This document, with all it´s typo´s and misspelled words, are © copyright deepNiner 2001. Do not alter the text. Not to be used or quoted without the authors permission.
contact: [email protected]
[ 08 Maj 2002, 20:59: Meddelandet ändrat av: Christopher ]