Har testat din kod i Dreamweaver och fått en rapport. Du jobbar med bl a XML i koden som inte är kompatibelt med alla webbläsare f.n.. Men eftersom Mozailla stödjer XML visas det korrekt där och inte i Safari.
Håller på att lära mig PHP och XML och blev nyfiken eftersom jag sett sluttaggen <br /> förekomma på en del sidor som lär ut PHP (något thomasti nämde i sitt inlägg). Bäst att undvika denna tagg, med andra ord.
Här är felrapporten (blir en himla massa kod, ursäkta, men du får väl kopiera ner eländet och titta på det i något annat program så att det bli läsbart):
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<mm_reportname> ResultsReport.xml</mm_reportname>
<mm_reportdate>Friday, 06 February, 2004 10:57:11 AM</mm_reportdate>
<mm_description>The tag: "img" has an XML style closing syntax for an empty element even though version: "HTML4" is not an XML tag language.[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>The tag: "img" has an XML style closing syntax for an empty element even though version: "HTML4" is not an XML tag language.[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>The tag: "img" has an XML style closing syntax for an empty element even though version: "HTML4" is not an XML tag language.[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>The tag: "img" has an XML style closing syntax for an empty element even though version: "HTML4" is not an XML tag language.[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>in tag: area the following required attributes are missing: alt[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>in tag: area the following required attributes are missing: alt[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>in tag: area the following required attributes are missing: alt[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>in tag: area the following required attributes are missing: alt[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>in tag: area the following required attributes are missing: alt[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>in tag: area the following required attributes are missing: alt[HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>& found between tags. Consider using the equivalent entity (amp = '&', < = '<', > = '>', " = quotation mark). [HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>& found between tags. Consider using the equivalent entity (amp = '&', < = '<', > = '>', " = quotation mark). [HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>& found between tags. Consider using the equivalent entity (amp = '&', < = '<', > = '>', " = quotation mark). [HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>ä found between tags. Consider using the equivalent entity (amp = '&', < = '<', > = '>', " = quotation mark). [HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>& found between tags. Consider using the equivalent entity (amp = '&', < = '<', > = '>', " = quotation mark). [HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>& found between tags. Consider using the equivalent entity (amp = '&', < = '<', > = '>', " = quotation mark). [HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>
<mm_description>& found between tags. Consider using the equivalent entity (amp = '&', < = '<', > = '>', " = quotation mark). [HTML 4.0]</mm_description>
<mm_reportedby>Dreamweaver Validator Report</mm_reportedby>