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  • Plats Lidingö
  • Registrerad 2002-09-23
  • Senast aktiv 2011-08-06
  • Antal inlägg 271


De senaste inläggen johnnie2times har skrivit i forumet.

Ursprungligen av Tussen69:

tack får jag en iphone som tack ?

Åhh, om jag ändå hade en över!

Kanon! Det fungerar.
Mycket smidigare än andra metoder jag sett.

Denna guiden gick jag efter och det fungerade kanon med iTuned 7.4.2.


Download the 1.0.2 firmware - there are links for it somewhere.
Download AnySIM using Safari - it will extract the AnySIM - the icon has a white crossed out circle thingy - (like a white no smoking sign). You can't do anything with this file on the Mac - we have to get it inside the iPhone.

Make sure you have the 1.0.2 firmware - you can't really check easily if your phone came straight out of the box, so there is a trick I saw somewhere to get iTunes to update your firmware even if you have not selected to set up and activate on AT&T. I think you hold the top right button on the iPhone (sleep button?) together with the round button near the bottom "home" button? Then the yellow triangle is going to come up and iTunes is automatically going to update you to 1.0.2. This applies for Sept 18th, 2007 - I dunno about the future.

You also are going to download that 1.0.2 firmware separately from somewhere. I'll look for the link - but if you search the iphone threads you'll find it. Get that firmware extracted to a folder and you'll be selecting the main folder from INdependence - my folder got named automatically as "iPhone1,1_1" - that's what you select in INdependence when it asks - not the "Firmware" one inside - OK? ok.

Download INdependence - Good Software! I used 1.2.1.

Read all about INdependence on that wiki thing - INdependence recommends that you disable the "iTunesHelper" - this is a must do, and it's temporary too. It will come back next time your reboot your mac. I did this on a Macbook Pro BTW.

iTuneshelper basically senses when the iPhone is plugged in, and it interferes with the stuff the INdependence needs to do. There are directions on this simple task, but to save you time, go to your Utilities folder and run "Activity Monitor". "Quit" the iTunesHelper process, and when the popup thing comes, click on "Force Quit" for that process. Yay - now iTunes is not going to bug you.


My iTunes was 7.3.2 - I did not yet update to the latest. Maybe that matters? Dunno - doubt it very much.

OK, so with the original sim card in the phone, you are going to run INdependence to activate your iPhone first. This basically gets rid of the AT&T screen at the start and allows you to use your iPhone as a wifi device, which was good for me for 2 days until I saw that AnySIM came out.

So I activated. INdependence is going to ask for that firmware location - navigate to that folder I mentioned above "iPhone1,1_1" and it will find all the firmware stuff it needs. It will restart the iPhone a few times and in 3 minutes or so you should have a message that says "success". If it fails take note - maybe it failed because iTunes became activated and interrupted? Make sure you quit that iTunes Helper process! If it fails it doesn't matter - just let iTunes do an automatic repair thingy. It will actually put the 1.0.2 on the iPhone too that way.

OK, so if you are activated, you can go play for a while if you want. Get a wifi connection and check out weather and Youtube and Email and whatever if you want. Load up music if you want. No harm.

Next, we go back to INdependence again - maybe quit it and restart the INdependence program just for voodoo sakes - can't hurt. This time we are going to "Jailbreak" the phone. No idea what jailbreaking means - don't need to know. Just push it. Same process - it's going to go through and jailbreak the iPhone - goody!

Next, in order to copy the AnySIM to your iPhone, you have to do the next thing that INdependence does. That is - the SSH/SFTP/SCP button - whatever all that junk is. It says it installs Dropbear SSH, SFTP and SCP and it requires Jailbreak - good think we just did the "Jailbreak" in the previous step.

Something nobody told me was that you need to know the root password and the IP of the iPhone. the IP of the iPhone is easy to find in your wifi setup on the iPhone. Type it in on INdependence in that dialog when it asks you and the password you need is either going to be "alpine" or "Dottie". Select the "Applications" folder on your iPhone from within INdependence. I chose the systems folder in there instead of the users folder - but after i finished I noticed the AnySIM was in the users folder - go figure - I guess it doesn't matter much. Anyways, You do that SSH/SFTP/SCP button on INdependence, input the root password and the iPhone's IP, and I guess INdependence is going to use wifi to send the AnySIM file you selected to the iPhone.

Now I'll mention here that all the poorly documented iPhone help sites have links that supposedly are going to download AnySIM 1.0.1, but all I ever got was 1.0.0. (Get info on the file by hitting command-i and see for yourself.) Whatever. I used 1.0.0 and it worked fine, but it was distressing to me because the stupid AnySIM site had some confusing description, no readme file with the AnySIM file, and the download files were not 1.0.1, but were 1.0. The only one that I could get that was 1.0.1 on the download page was the PXL - whatever that is. Also how about putting the current date on some of those webpages guys? whatever. I am grateful it's there, but all the poor documentation leads to hundreds of wasted hours, why not do it right? OK, you can see for yourself as of today at - that link probably will change within a day - so don't depend on it.

OK - so we selected our AnySIM file and uploaded it to the Applications folder. The root pass and the IP helped it all out. I don't think I forgot anything. If iTunes comes to life during this process it's probably not too good - but whatever. Copying the files to the iPHone is not the dangerous part - the next part is:

Now that AnySIM has been copied to the iPhone - the iPhone should be turned off completely and rebooted. You should now see the anySIM icon on there. Remove your iPhone from the doc now - you don't need it anymore. tap it. I sat there for 5 minutes thinking it had all started and I didn't want to mess with it, but after 5 minutes I realized you have to scroll through some text thingy. At the bottom is a red button that says to "begin" or whatever. haha. OK - so you agree to the text stuff and start the AnySIM part of this. Here is a hint for the future. - NEVER launch anySIM again in the future - it will wreck things. Just once is good enough. OK - so anySIM is giving you a nice progress display. It takes about 5 - 10 minutes I guess. Then it gives you this scary message that reads something like " The Flash part worked out, but the other thing didn't - you should use some other dumb thing and check the other dumb thing" All stuff I never heard about before and don't care to learn. I thought - sh*t - now I have to start all over again, but I read someone on the forum here had the same deal, and it turns out that this is total success!

Well almost done - open iTunes and let iTunes sync up once. Check to see if that iTunes Helper process is still killed. make sure it is.

Restart your INdependence again and plug the iphone into the USB again.

Restart the iPhone again.

I got my Rogers SIM card , powered OFF the iPhone. Got a small paperclip and pushed it into the hole on top - and ejected the AT&T card. I put the Rogers SIM in.

Plug the iPhone into USB again and maybe restart it. (remember all these steps might not all be needed, but it probably is going to save you idiots from bricking your phone so listen and do).

NOW - you will select "Activation" again on INdependence - this time with your Rogers card installed. Hopefully it will go through with the nice jail pictures again, and you'll get a success message. Note that it also returns your phone jail as it activates. This is a good thing I guess.

I looked at the setup for phone and network, and things were now cool - i could select Rogers and so forth, and it was all cool. I tried to make a call - yes it works. Did SMS - yes working. Got myself on a wifi connection and tested Youtube and web - yep all there. Weather and stocks too. Email too. ALL working and not so scary or hard.

These docs are poorly written, but I felt so happy that I figured I would share and try to help. If you have any questions, let me know,.

Japp, sitter med den här och allt är fixat. Fungerar kanon. Nu behöver jag bara säga upp 3 och byta operatör. Känns lite surt att sitta med ett kontankort, men det får duga så länge.

Gäller bara att man väljer rätt operatör så man slipper byta igen när iPhone lanseras här "på riktigt". Några tips? Någon?


Vet inte om jag förstått dig riktigt. Om det är som jag tror så har jag gjort ett litet exempel (på ett av många sätt att göra det på) som du kan ladda ner.

Tar längre tid att förklara!



Appropå iPhone så verkar apple ligga inne med någon tanke kring det namnet i alla fall. Testa denna länk:


Det finns fönster som en flash User Interface component, men den som du nämner har de använt ett eget "skin" på, alt kodat helt själva. Oavsett så borde du kunna använda komponenten som heter "Window" och en komponent för scrollen, -"UIScrollBar" tillsammans med lite actionscript och få det att fungera.


Jag kör direkt mot server med BBEdit(8.2.5), fungerar klockrent för mig!

Använder Interarchy 8.1 som ftp


Det bör gå om du skriver det som lokner skrev:



[Lite sen]

Här är ett mycket bra sätt att uppdatera och hantera flash i html/xhtml:

Det du vill ha är något som kallas för "expressinstall".


Du kan göra det i css såhär om jag har förstått vad du vill göra rätt

#pageHolder {
margin : auto;
position : relative;
width : 720px;
background : #ffffff;


Ursprungligen av ez0r4y:

När vi ändåsnackar Xupport.

Använde det innan för o få "Simple finder", dock så när man ändrade tillbaka så ser det ut såhär:

Känns rätt irriterande. Öppnar man dock en monterad dmg fil kommer vanliga finder (eller vad det nu heter där man letar bland filerna).

Är det inte bara att klicka på knappen i det högra hörnet så får du tillbaka "Extended finder"?


Ursprungligen av Tangen:

KID - Kill Your Darlings - det uppstår problem när ett företags produkt blir för starkt...
