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  • Plats International user
  • Registrerad 2001-05-09
  • Senast aktiv 2015-09-17
  • Antal inlägg 339


De senaste inläggen martin har skrivit i forumet.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2004-01-19 23:44

Jag har en DV-kamera som jag använder med bl.a iChat, funkar hur bra som helst ända tills den lägger sig i vila efter 5 minuter. Vet inte hur jag ska kunna hindra den från detta. Det finns inga inställningar i kameran som man kan ändra. Kan man på nått sätt "lura" kameran att jag spelar in från den eller så? Så den tror att en capture är igång.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2004-01-15 12:11

jag tycker det funkar helt okej, har ännu inte använt det för några riktiga projekt där det varit nödvändigt, endast testat ändra lite grejer. ska visst komma ett par grymma features till.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2004-01-14 15:55

The DVD Specification doesn't allow mixing 2 video standards in the same project.

You can consider DVD 10 (replicated), double-sided, single layer disc distribution. PAL on one side, NTSC on the other; not much room for a label, but cheaper, and more compatable because it's replicated. Or, in January sometime, we're supposed to get double-sided DVD + R's from Phillips, which could be almost as compatable as replicated discs, and cheaper if you need just a few of them.

If you are going to go ahead with two DVD R's, distribute your project's on two 3.95 GB discs. Find someone with an S201 to do the final burn (you can take the files to him/her on two DVD R's that you write the Video TS and Audio TS folders on, with DVD SP or Toast). These 3.95GB discs are much more compatable with DVDplayers out there (you don't want to be handling tech support from a viewer in Japan whose disc of yours won't play, I wouldn't imagine!

Jag tycker inte du ska göra en DVD i endast NTSC då NTSC är så mycket sämre.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2004-01-04 17:38

Jag kan inte ladda ner filer som innehåller åääö i filnamnet. kan ni det?

  • Medlem
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  • 2003-12-30 16:51

Har ni någon aning om varför jag måste köra "passive mode" när jag har bostream fast ip utan firewall och sånt. När jag söker om jag har "active mode" får jag en alert som säger "Please add a search!"

Senast redigerat 2003-12-30 17:29
  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-20 13:52

Subtitleprogram som kanske någon kan behöva

SubSyncX 1.0
©2003 El_Oy

First of all, if there's someone out there willing to make a good readme/manual,
then please send a e-mail to
Because I definitely suck at doing those kind of things

At this point SubSyncX only supports SubRip files, those with a .srt extension.
I hope to be able to add a lot of used formats in the near future.

To sync a SubRip file to a movie:

1. Open the SubRip file..... duh!

2. Remove any lines that might be added to the end of the SubRip file by the author of the subtitles.

3. If you choose to use a movie file for reference points,
do so by selecting the "Open Edit Marker Window With Movie..." (or by hitting Command+E)
(Note that you can only use files of which you have installed the correct codecs!)

If you would choose to get your reference points from another app. (e.g. MPlayer) and input the points manually,
then select "Open Edit Marker Window Without Movie..." (or by hitting Command+Shift+E)

4. In the edit marker window, the two reference points (markers) that are needed are;
- The starting point of the first subtitle line
- The starting point of the last subtitle line
Fill them in (either manually or with the help of a movie file) and hit "Convert Subtitles To Markers"
SubSyncX will now recalculate all the subtitles...

5. If you would like to you could also let SubSyncX replace all (most probably) illegal characters.
(e.g. replace Ë for e). To do so select "Fix Illegal Characters" (or by hitting Command+F)

6. To save, just select "Save SubRip File..." (or by hitting Command+S).

7. Enjoy!

To split a subtitle file into multiple files:

1. Select the line at which point you want the next file to start.

2. Select "Split At Selected Line" (or by hitting Command+Shift+S).
A new part will be made and will be selectable from the drawer which should be opened by now...

3. To sync the files (manually or with a movie), follow the guidelines as described above.
Keep in account that the syncing applies to the subtitles selected in the drawer containing the different parts.

4. To save, just select "Save SubRip File..." (or by hitting Command+S).
All parts will get a extra part of text added to the filename, referring to the parts.

5. Enjoy!

To join multiple files into one subtitle file:

1. Add extra files (in correct order!) by selecting "Open Extra SubRip File For Joining..." (or by hitting Command+Shift+O).

2. After syncing every part (as described above), select "Join All Segments" (or by hitting Command+J).
All parts should now be joined together into one part.

3. To save, just select "Save SubRip File..." (or by hitting Command+S).

4. Enjoy!

If you have any suggestions, problems etc.
Please let me know by sending a e-mail to

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-19 19:58

The DVD Studio Pro 2.0.3 update is strongly recommended for all users of DVD Studio Pro 2. This update adds support for Cropped D-1 and 1/2 D-1 MPEG-2 video resolutions in addition to a number of enhancements and improved overall stability.

Additionally, this update changes the behavior of the dual-layer break point to force a pause during playback of DVD-9 projects while the DVD player switches to the second layer. While this change will increase compatibility of your DVD project with DVD players, you may still use the seamless switch method. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to the following article:

For additional information regarding the contents of this update, refer to the DVD Studio Pro Late-Breaking News located in the Help menu or at

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-15 23:51

var det inte 1.5 som inte klarade 9skivor?
har för mig jag läste att DVDSP2 inte klarar av att göra 9skivor som är enligt standard.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-12 22:19

skriv i fakeuppgifter då.
har du inte en "spammail" till sådana grejer?

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-12 00:45

kolla in manualen, den är fri att ladda ner på siten.

kan återkomma när jag testat det mera.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-11 19:05

Håller på att testa det nu, känns mycket bra och proffsigt.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-07 00:40

jag satte en film på encode 21.35 nu klockan 00.39 så har den gått igenom 83%.
Jag tror det är bäst att splitta filen på 2 cd om man vill ha samma kvalite som tidigare.
Jag har en g5 1.8 512RAM

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-06 21:49

det löste sig, man måste klicka i "mplayer decode" i options tabben. "quicktime decode" är default.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-12-06 18:31

Har för mig jag hittade ett program en gång som konverterade DIVX -> SVCD med "påbrända" subtitles från en .srt fil.

Vet någon om detta finns eller om jag bara drömt?

ffmpegX kan ju konvertera divx -> SVCD men det verkar som den bara kan bränna på VOB sub filer.

Kan man konvertera en .srt till en vob sub, verkar inte så troligt.

  • Medlem
  • International user
  • 2003-11-08 12:05

Skrevs ursprungligen av Bengt Eriksson
Denna funktion kan även aktiveras i programmet Cocktail.

man kan ju även aktivera så att det blir småfönster på skärmen. känns buggigt dock.

jag tycker autocomplete är sjukt bra. Börja skriv ett ord, tryck alt-esc eller F5 och du får upp en lista.
glöm inte ändra dictionary till det du vill ha under spelling i textedit

jag har lite problem att få safari att tä rätt bara.