I specifikationerna för dessa diskar och flera andra IBM modeller står det något om 333 power-on hours (POH) 330 timmar /månad
(11 timmar /dygn)
Tydligen har detta blivit en stor affär efter en artikel i www.storagereview.com.
Men tydligen har IBM nu hört av sig och dementerar uppgifterna. (DVS hur man ska tolka uppgifterna i spec.)
"...The 333 power-on hours (POH) defined in the 120GXP data sheet is not a new spec for our GXP drives; it is consistent with what we´ve held our desktop drives to in previous generation drives. The 333 power-on spec is not an indication of a maximum number of power-on hours or limitation of the Deskstar 120GXP.
Our specifications indicate that the 333 power-on hours per month represent typical desktop PC usage. This assumes an 11-hour day based on a 30 day month. Users can and have successfully run the drive more than 11 hours a day and 333 hours per month; the drives have been used successfully in 24x7 environments.
IBM stands by the 3-year warranty for the 120GXP. Power-on hours will not be a determining factor in negating the warranty.
Since SR itself expressed hesitation on 120GXP server usage, I asked this question: What´s IBM´s official position in using Deskstar products in servers that would remain on 24/7? Though the warranty would be fully honored, is server utilization encouraged, discouraged, or neither?
IBM’s response:
Use of the drive 24x7 will not affect or void the warranty. IBM stands by our three-year warranty for the 120GXP. The drive can and has been used successfully in 24x7 operations. Users should not be concerned about running the drive in 24x7 environments beyond concerns typically associated with any drive usage, such as operating temperature, vibration, duty cycle, etc.
This is IBM´s side of the issue. Ultimate conclusions when it comes to these nebulous rebiliabity issues are, as always, left to the reader."
Läs hela artikeln på www.storagereview.com