• Medlem
  • 2006-01-12 22:24

Har oxå problem med att ljudet försvinner efter efter uppgradering. Har en 60gb ipod video.
Hittade detta på iSquints hemsida.


60GB 5G iPod owners...don't upgrade! Posted Wednesday, January 11, 2006 by Tyler Loch
There's a bug with the new 1.1 iPod Software Update released yesterday by Apple that seems to only affect 60GB iPods.
Video files may skip ~30 seconds into playback, then continue without sound.
It doesn't seem to be limited to iSquint-produced files, and it's one of a few reported problems with the new update.

If you've already updated, either sit tight and hope for a 1.1a fix, or you can revert back to 1.0 iPod software using the CD that came with your iPod (it'll erase everything in the process).

