2. ssh into your iphone
3. browse for /private/var/preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
3.5. copy (or duplicate) preferences.plist to preferences.plist.orig (to make a backup)
4. download preferences.plist to your desktop and open in plain text editer
5. search for "cingular"
6. This should bring you to a code chunk that has the following
<string>[email protected]</string>
7. replace wap.cingular with 'nowhere' (no quotes, and you can basically type anything in there)
8. Save and upload to the phone
9. reboot phone and now it should tell you it can't find EDGE network -
10. when you want to get back onto EDGE, simply SSH into phone, goto the respective directory, rename preferences.plist to preferences.plist.off and then rename the .orig file back to the original name (by removing the .orig) and the reboot and you will be able to reconnect...