Såg följande på DigitalVoodoos hemsida:
24th September, 2003
At a recent international broadcast exhibition held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Digital Voodoo formally announced that the last version of Final Cut Pro that the company would officially support is Final Cut Pro version 4.0.
We also announced that we will not guarantee that future versions of our video cards will be compatible with current or future generations of G5 based systems manufactured by Apple Computer.
These were difficult decisions for us to make. They are based on where we believe the future of post production is going which we believe is 10 bit RGB. Sony with the HDCAM SR and Thompson’s Viper are two companies who believe in the same future. No doubt Panasonic will follow this lead also.
We believe being completely reliant on QuickTime components as a file format has some fundamental flaws. For example, it can not capture sequential files – an absolute must for 10 bit RGB DPX and Cineon. It can not capture more than 2 channels of audio even though most NLE’s have been doing this since the mid-late 90’s. QuickTime is updated constantly, which is a big risk for development. Our code could literally be broken over night from a QuickTime update. Moving away from this reliance of QuickTime actually gives our customers real choice with file formats.
Kan det bli en allmän trend vad gäller korttillverkare? Vad som verkar mest oroande är att de inte ens är säkra på om det kommer att stödja G5 som plattform. Man blir ju alltid rädd att det skall komma efterföljare. Det finns ju inte hur mkt kort som helst till Mac och det känns ju trist när de som finns läggs ner. Är det en engångsföreteelse, eller trend?
Visserligen verkar ju detta endast (än så länge) gälla okomprimerat, men finns det risk att det spiller över även på DV?