"It is a shortcoming of conventional HTML documents that all users who access a document receive the same information and links. In the context of a home page or a network gateway document, the static nature of HTML documents requires that only generalized information and links are included in the document so that it appeals to the widest base of users. Excessive information and links in the document would cause it to be too large to be practicable for most users. For users accessing the world-wide web over conventional "POTS" telephone connections and modems, excessively large HTML documents can require more time for transmission than many users are willing to accept.
To overcome these shortcomings of conventional HTML documents, an HTML document customization method obtains and stores for a user customizing information for a customizable HTML document on a computer network like the Internet or an Intranet. The customizable HTML document may be a top-level, trunk, or home page for a network site or a world-wide web gateway, or could be of any level at the network site and provide virtually any functionality of an HTML document."
Jaha... någon form av anpassad användarsida baserat på en cookie eller något...
Tur cookies är "förbjudna" för detdär skulle inte ens "virginia tech" -datorn klara av under asp...
EDIT: dom är faan inte kloka domdär amerikanerna... och tar vi inte deras patenregler rätt upp och ner så behandlar dom väl oss oxå som "al-qaida"-sympatisörer