Jag hade problem med alla "rip program" rensade och trixade fick programmen från en bekant som hade fungerande program. När de är stuffade som diskimage så kan man öppna dem.
Löste samma problem med Fast DVDCopy efter brevväxling.
We think we have found the problem thanks to a customer's feedback. The problem is produced when you decompress the .sit file with stuffit expander. For some reason (we think there might be an issue with the versions used) some files end up with different permissions than they should have.
We will release a new version this Friday, that will be distributed using a disc image to avoid this problem.
In the meantime, you may try the following procedure to fix the problem. Please note that this procedure requires some minimal skills dealing with the terminal window on your OS.
- Check that the application Fast DVD Copy is in your Applications folder.
- Open a Terminal window (the Terminal is located inside /Applications/Utilities/ )
- type the following and press Enter. (You can copy and paste it to avoid typing mistakes)
chmod 755 /Applications/"Fast DVD Copy.app"/Contents/Resources/"Fast DVD Copy.app"/Contents/MacOS/"Fast DVD Copy"
- type the following and press Enter. (You can copy and paste it to avoid typing mistakes)
chmod 755 /Applications/"Fast DVD Copy.app"/Contents/MacOS/"Fast DVD Copy"
- Type logout and press Enter.
- Quit the Terminal window.
- Launch Fast DVD Copy
Please let us know about your results.
Velan Technical Support