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Error "Can't process job because PDFLib failed to initialize" when distilling PostScript files with Distiller 6.0
Nathan Strong - 09:39pm Feb 16, 2004 Pacific
When I try to distill my PostScript files into PDF, I get no PDF and the error log reads, "Can't process job because PDFLib failed to initialize." How do I fix this?
A: PDFLib errors are usually a symptom of a font issue. Start by troubleshooting your fonts:
Launch Acrobat Distiller
Click Settings > Font Locations
Remove one font folder from the list and click OK.
Quit and re-open Distiller, then try distilling your PostScript file again.
If the error occurs again, repeat these steps until it distills. The last location removed contains your bad font.
NOTE: To repopulate the font list, open Distiller and click Settings > Font Locations, then remove all the locations. When you click OK, the list will repopulate. Click OK again.
Once you have identified the problem folder, navigate to that folder and trash the AdobeFnt.LST you find there.
If trashing the AdobeFnt.LST file does not resolve the issue, move the fonts in the problem location to a folder on your desktop. Move the fonts back in groups until you identify which font is corrupt.
But what if it is not a font problem? Another source of PDFLib errors is colorspace profiles. It has been found that colorspace profiles with short names (under 3 characters) can induce PDFLib errors. Colorspace profiles can be found in the following folders:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color
~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color
Note that the ~/ notation means that the subfolders are relative to your home directory, usually /Users/[your_short_username]/