Finder skräpar ner flashminnet med .ds_store.filer.
hittade detta automator scriptet på apples sida:
About FinderCleaner
Cleans hidden files the Finder creates. These files can be annoying in mixed OS environments or they might even cause some devices like mp3 player to not function correctly. Useful for USB sticks or mp3 players for example.
FinderCleaner cleans the following items:
- .DS_Store files
- Resource forks
- FBC files
- .Trashes
FinderCleaner can also eject a volume in a clean way so no new mess is created.
What’s New in this Version
- Automator workflow included (for 10.4 only)
- You can now eject network volumes.
- Keychain support for 10.4 improved. Now works most of the times.
- General code cleaning.
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