Create an Apple ID for your child
Before you begin, make sure that you're using a credit card as your iTunes Store and App Store payment method. To comply with child online privacy protection laws, you will use the CVV or security code from a valid credit card as part of providing your parental consent. If the card on file is a debit card or another payment method, you’ll be asked to provide a credit card before you can continue. After you create the child's Apple ID, you can change your payment method back to a debit card.
After you add your child to your family group, they will have their own Apple ID that they can use on any Apple device. Your email address will be the rescue email address for your child’s account, and you can use it with the security questions you provided to reset a forgotten password.

Ska testa detta nu. Tydligen viktigt för Apple med skillnaden mellan konto- och kreditkort.