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QuarkXpress 6.5 Passport

Tråden skapades och har fått 7 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .
  • Linjär
  • Trådad
  • Bästa

Hi guys!

I've been searching around the web for a downloadable file that contains the latest set of keyboard shortcuts for the Swedish version of Quark 6.5. I use the English version myself but I need the swedish keyboard commands for a customer of mine. I know there are others who are experiencing the same as me so does anyone know where I can find the latest Swedish keyboard shortcut giude??


Isn't that included in the Passport verison of Quark?
I thought that was the reason of calling it passport.
I hope someone can help you with it. Sorry for not doing it.

  • Oregistrerad
  • 2005-02-23 16:26

The Swedish Quarkdistributor is here:

The only clue they've got on their site is this (as far as I cand see):

Fråga: . Några snabbkommandon fungerar inte i 6.5 på Mac. Var hittar jag dem?
Svar: . Några kommandon har ändrats i 6.0. Vi har dock bett att Quark skall ändra tillbaka dess till ursprungskommandona. Så länge kan ni använda dessa kommandon Ändra radavstånd ligger på Kommando+Skift+Ö för att minska radavståndet. Kommando+Skift+Ä för att öka radavståndet. Lägger man till Alt-tangenten så ökas radavståndet med en 1/10 punkt i taget. Öka Kerning/Spärra Kommando+Alt+Skift +* Minska Kerning/Knip Kommando+Alt+Skift +Å

Maybe your customer can translate it for you / Regards J

Keyboard shortcuts for XPress 6.5

Hi Jimmy!

I made a list with the shortcuts that are changed in the Swedish version of QuarkXPress 6.x (compared to version 4.1 and 5.01 of QuarkXPress). The list was mainly made to show the product management of QuarkXPress the changes that where done and that caused problems. The product management have promised to change the shortcuts back to what they used to be, but is is not done yet. If you would like to recieve that list I would be pleased to send it to you as a PDF. Just send me an e-mail to let me know, adress is


Ursprungligen av Jimmy2gig:

Hi guys!

I've been searching around the web for a downloadable file that contains the latest set of keyboard shortcuts for the Swedish version of Quark 6.5. I use the English version myself but I need the swedish keyboard commands for a customer of mine. I know there are others who are experiencing the same as me so does anyone know where I can find the latest Swedish keyboard shortcut giude??


Välkommen Marie

Trevligt att se sina gamla konkurrenter på forumet

Tack Richard!!!

Kul att ni betraktar varandra som "gamla" konkurrenter.

Jag kanske skulle sagt före detta, i och med att jag syftade på att jag inte längre jobbar på Adobe. Rent åldersmässigt är vi själfallet i våra bästa år
