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Medan vi väntar på ett nytt citat från ru4real? kan folk få fundera över vilken film som det enda ord som sägs är Non, och när ni kommit på film, vem som säger det
Semestersabotören, Jaque Tati?
Det våras för stumfilmen. Alain Delon
"It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."
Yup....Plätt Lätt - men såååå bra!
Eftersom det inte kommer nått mer kör vi väl ett till sålänge:
Monty's Mom: So I called your house today, at two. You were still asleep, weren't you?
Monty: That's an understatement.
Monty's Mom: So what did you do last night? I trust my little angel didn't do anything immoral.
Monty: Well, ummm... Let's see. I started by getting completely hammered drunk. It was bad. Then drove, while intoxicated, to pick up this disease-infested hooker.
Monty's Mom: Uh huh...
Monty: From there... uh, let's see. Me and the hooker went back to my place...
Monty's Mom: The hooker and I.
Monty: Excuse me. The hooker and I went back to my place and from there... God, it was just a blur of intravenous drug abuse and unprotected sex, while taking the Lord's name in vain.
Monty's Mom: Dean, did you know that when Monty was a child everyone thought he was retarded?
Monty: Dean, doesn't my mom look old? I mean, much older than she rightfully should?
Monty's Mom: So why aren't you and Serena still together? I liked her.
Monty: I don't know. I guess it got old. We had a relationship based on orgasms.
Monty's Mom: Oh, how charming. You are being safe aren't you? I don't think I could handle the idea of you reproducing.
Monty: Come on, mom! Of course I'm being safe. I pull out.
Monty's Mom: Yes, well your father pulled out too but we've all seen the tragic end of that story.
Monty: You think I wanna have kids? Absolutely not! That's why I stick to anal sex.
Monty's Mom: If only I had been so lucky.
Har ingen aning om vad det är men det låter kul och som taget ur tv-serien Två och en halv män med Charlie Sheen
Monty Pyton - Meningen med livet?
Kom igen, nu, Clase. Vi väntar på nästa citat, juh!
i väntan på Clase kan ni ju lösa den här:
Well, yes mate. See, I'm dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you need to watch out for, because you never know when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
Oj, shit...glömde av denna tråden...är inte inne i supporterdelen så ofta...
Tucker: How's momma?
Gilbert: She's fat.
Tucker: Come on man. She's not all that big, Gilbert.
Gilbert: What?
Tucker: Listen, I saw a guy at the state fair that was... a little bit bigger.
Gilbert: A little bit bigger?
Tucker: Look, all I'm sayin is that she's not the biggest I ever seen, okay?
Gilbert: Tucker, she's a whale!
Tucker: Well take her out for a walk once and while.
Gilbert: Take her out for a jog!
Arnie: She's a whale! Tucker, she's a whale!