quote:Skapades ursprungligen av: Jon Adolfsson:
Annars kan man göra så här (tydligen):
1. Quit the Address Book application if it is open.
2. Copy your old address book database, which can be found at /Users -> username -> Library -> Addresses -> Address Book.addressbook, to your new system and put it in the same location (you may have to create the directories depending on what level you copy the file from).
3. Rename the AddressBook folder found at: /Users -> username -> Library -> Application Support -> AddressBook. I renamed mine AddressBookZZZ.
4. Run the Address Book application again. It should discover the old database and rebuild the AddressBook folder and files in the Application Support folder.
5. If everything went OK, then you can delete the AddressBookZZZ folder as it is no longer used.