Jag såg någon liknade på macfixit.com
efter att folk har installerat senaste security update
blandat saxat:
"Mail.app, Entourage issues One of the most widely reported problems with the latest security update concerns SMTP mail accounts in a variety of e-mail clients including Apple's own Mail.app and MIcrosoft's Entourage.
Specifically, a number of Entourage users are received the following message when attempting to send messages in Entourage:
"Mail could not be sent using the account "AccountName." A connection failure has occurred. Error: -3260"
"The problem went away (for both Entourage and Mail.app) after the following 2 actions in sequence:
I applied this script /Library/Scripts/Mail/Scripts/Manage/SMTP/Servers.scpt
In mail.app, I deleted all my SMTP profiles, and recreated them. (I believe action 1 didn't [immediately] solve the problem, but I don't recall for sure.)