What do I do if the unlock failed?
If it says that the flash went ok, but the unlock failed, do this:
1. Put a copy of the 1.0.2 firmware in a directory on your Mac. If you need to download it, get it from here.
2. Rename the extension on the firmware from ipsw to zip
3. Unzip it
4. Run: dd if=009-7698-4.dmg of=ramdisk.dmg bs=512 skip=4 conv=sync
5. Use finder to navigate to the directory where ramdisk.dmg is and double-click it to mount it.
6. Copy the following files to a directory of your choice:
* /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/local/bin/bbupdater
* /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/local/standalone/firmware/ICE03.14.08_G.eep
* /Volumes/ramdisk/usr/local/standalone/firmware/ICE03.14.08_G.fls
7. SSH into your iPhone and run: mkdir /unlock
8. Copy those three files to your iPhone: scp -p bbupdater ICE* root@youriphoneip:/unlock
9. On your iPhone, run: cd /unlock
10. On your iPhone, run: launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
11. On your iPhone, run: ./bbupdater -f *.fls -e *.eep
12. On your iPhone, run: launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.CommCenter.plist
13. Now cross your fingers and retry your unlock process!